he principle of wealth
transfer is demonstrated when the wealth
accumulated by people who reject the ready-made
things freely given by God is
forcefully removed and transferred to others who have learned to rejoice
aggressively over nothing. It is a
realistic, practicable and inexorable principle. Take it away from the heart of
the preaching of the gospel of Jesus Christ, and what you get is a caricature,
fraudulent message, meant to afflict without redemptive purpose!
There are ready-made
wealth and riches, freely given, but hidden
from man, and reserved in heavenly places. A clue is given
through the book of Genesis chapter 2 verse 3: And every plant of the field before it was in the earth, and every herb
of the field before it grew: for the LORD God had not caused it to rain upon
the earth, and there was not a man to till the ground.
What that passage is saying, in other words, is:
Every plant was reserved in heavenly places,
and every herb was already in the earth, but had not grown for rain had not
come upon the earth...
Now the question is, why was the wealth meant to sustain
the man hidden from him? Why was it reserved, and not released? Pay
attention because the strangest
secrets of the ages are about to be unfolded or exposed on this blog. Now God
had a clear-cut, inexorable but urgent programme to transfer the wealth and riches of this
earth from the unjust into the hands
of the just. Yet because of a relentless misinformation from the propaganda
machine of Satan – and complacency on the part of the righteous – the people of
God are struggling to escape deception.
The non-elastic restriction for man not to eat the
tree of knowledge of good and evil
was actually a restriction on the serpent, the old dragon, Satan himself! It
was a restriction that prevented anyone, least of all, Satan, from jeopardizing
the Creator’s security. The penalty for violating that restriction was death.
Eccl.11:5 says: As you know not how the bones do grow in the womb of a pregnant woman, so you cannot know the works of God
who makes all. Certainly, God is not keen to expose his spiritual technology for anyone to
steal. As a result, man as well as the serpent were sentenced to perpetual ignorance of how God creates
or makes things to happen!
by attempting to know how a thing is going to be accomplished by God is to
sabotage yourself. Now many people get anxious, fearful,
desperate and depressed, despite their prayer warfare: and these are indicators
that they are going nowhere in trying to learn
how God is processing their requests! If they’d sit still, and be comfortable with their perpetual
ignorance of how a miracle could be performed, they would become powerful,
helpful and influential!
For the man not to be stranded or perish due to his
perpetual ignorance concerning God’s creativity and productivity, everything
necessary to enable the man flourish was provided, yet kept hidden. Now these secret provisions were not raw materials to be processed by
man for use. They had already been
processed and packaged by God to
be used when needed by man. That’s why I
call them: ‘ ready-made wealth and
riches.’ James in the Bible calls them: ‘ every good gift and every perfect gift from above, coming down from the Father of Lights.’
The man’s unlimited wealth was a settled,
non-negotiable matter...TO BE CONTINUED.
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