The messianic anointing
is a poverty-destroyer. Your enemies might tolerate you and pray that you learn
to adjust to poverty, but God is actually grieved by that poverty you are
fooling around with. When you prosper, God is happy! You have been given power
to get wealth! That business that you run with struggle, it means you have not
unleashed your power. What you need is the grace of God, not your experience
with destitution or your multiple certificates! Some people are using their
brain too much, using too much calculation! But we must not forget what our
Father in the Lord, Bishop Chris Kwakpovwe taught us about the ‘Big Brain
Theory’ concerning how we can connect to the transcendent power of God to
overcome our challenges or difficulties!
Those who come with a
get-rich-quick mentality are usually lazy and easily frustrated. Just be
consistent in doing what you love to do, fulfilling what your heart is
committed to. How can I do this thing better? To do the same thing all the
time, and expect a different result is a prescription for insanity! Pray: O God
of suddenly, my business is available, show up for me. Now! Reveal to me the
secrets of my prosperity!
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