Tuesday, 29 September 2015


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Bishop Chris E.Kwakpovwe,publisher,Our Daily Manna.
"Despite your opposition, you must refuse to give up on your dream or aspiration. For that nonsense to stop in your life, it takes effort, hard work, determination and your tenacity. Yet if that miracle must be performed, it starts with the Word of God. You must be instructed in what the Word can do before there would be a demonstration of power! The Psalmist says: ‘He sent his Word, and healed them, and delivered them from their destructions.’
“Again, be quick to reconcile with people. You don’t know who God will use to take away that nonsense from you. Many people are carrying messes because there’s nobody to help or carry them up! They keep malice with others when there is no reason to. Yet that nonsense will continue if there are people you cannot pray for.
“ Never forget: There is always something left for you to begin with!  Moses said: ‘For forty years, I was messed up; I was a stranger in a strange land, afflicted, a shepherd, not a prince: my life used to make sense, but not anymore! God said to him: ‘What do you have in your hand?’ There’s no battle, trial or challenge, no matter how rough or tough, you go through that would leave you empty. So if you feel drained, defrauded and disadvantaged because of the battle you went through, never forget there’s always something vital left for you to start with! Don’t compare yourself with anybody. With that positive mind-set, whatever is left in your hand is enough to drive that nonsense from your life!
“ Last but not least: when the cart shakes, don’t hold it!  Uzzah in 2 Samuel 6 took hold of the ark of God to balance it when the cart shook, and he was killed for his error by God. Each time you help God, ‘Ishmael’ will be the product: when you get an answer, it will be counterfeit.”
 The words we just read above are excerpts from Bishop Chris Kwakpovwe’s preaching as he ministered through Live Streaming via www.odmlive.tk to Zambian Mountain on 26/9/15.  Commending the determination, the passion, zeal and focus of the Zambian committee that organized the programme, he said he would be sharing his message from his book, “This Nonsense Must Stop.”  With clarity and simplicity, the publisher of Our Daily Manna launched into a thunderous, powerful, barrier-breaking message, driving home the importance of God’s special plan for the Zambian Mountain. He explained to the crowd of over 5,000 people that though he could not in person be there in Lusaka for reason beyond his control, his heart remained with them. Praying fervently with the prophetic  2 (two) padlocks” the enthusiasm of the crowd was infectious, loud and clear. For over four hours, Bishop Chris tirelessly led the people through many intensive and forceful prayer-points, as he prophesied and gave words of knowledge: “I see someone with partial paralysis that is receiving her healing now: that which you could not do before, start doing it now! I see a woman’s fibroid turning to fine boy right now! I rebuke that disease: that affliction cannot stand! ...Whatever is not making sense in your marital story, today it shall make sense!  Any man or woman carrying chain on their hand so that their labour cannot produce results , from today, I command that chain to be destroyed. Any feet that I anoint today, as the oil comes upon you, you shall begin to overtake! With this overtaking anointing, what takes others one year to achieve, from this day, it shall take you one week...Your pain shall turn to gain!”
Watching him preach and minister with unflagging energy and uncommon passion, an observer could be forgiven for wondering what was responsible for the euphoric reception that usually attended Bishop Chris’ ministry internationally, from Lusaka to London to Lagos or Dallas. Indeed if the story of Manna Prayer Mountain World-wide is told today, what objectively could be said to be responsible for the massive and steady growth of the ministry? Is it the unquenchable zeal and enthusiasm with which the volunteer workers bring to their duty posts? Could it be traced to the uncommon devotion and sacrifice of the music/choir department that can be discerned through the careful selection of the rousing songs and hymns used on worship days?  Can credit be given to how the Assistant General Overseer, Dr. (Mrs) Ejiro Kwakpovwe used the profound combination of her intellectual capacity, compassion and practical wisdom to encourage and motivate the women leadership – by hosting regular conferences and seminars – to  achieve their potentials?  Perhaps, one can look into the area of how the widows are not neglected in the ministry as the Benevolent department takes time out periodically to give financial gifts and other material items to ameliorate their physical needs.  Is it the miracles of healing, financial breakthroughs or marital connections that occur regularly? You can even ask further: are there any secrets at all?
Still, what can never be disputed is that with his precise, eagle-eyed attention for details, working under Bishop Chris Kwakpovwe’s leadership, it is hard for anyone to celebrate a shoddy, mediocre output. Charging those who work closely with him to develop what he calls “ extra-mile thinking” if they must be result-oriented and productive, he says without hesitation: “Result is my breakfast, lunch and dinner! Give me results, and I’d go the extra-mile for you.”  It’s no surprise therefore that from pastors to deacons and to other workers, everyone is searching for ways to implement ideas that would engineer growth and expand the work of the ministry. An example which has gained ground and garnered support is the vision of “One Nigeria, One ODM” that takes place 1st October every year where youths and others go on rally/road walk through the city of Lagos to give out copies of ODM free to every soul they encounter on that day.
One hard-nosed observer, upon further interrogation, noted with a finality that is almost unquestionable: “ Look, if you pay attention long enough, the growth secrets of Manna Prayer Mountain can be found in the hot-buttons message that Bishop Chris preaches with unrelenting drive. His tenacity, addiction to hard work, his attention to details, are all reflected in his ministry’s growth.”

Bishop Chris E.Kwakpovwe,publisher, Our Daily Manna/G.O.,M.P.M.

Dr.(Mrs) Ejiro F.Kwakpovwe,A.G.O.,M.P.M,Co-Publisher,Our Daily Manna.

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