Thursday, 28 April 2016

The Reign of Earthly Kings Versus Leadership Greatness? ( Part 4) By Felix N. Jarikre.

Emperor Haile Selassie.

Why do the heathen rage, and the people imagine a vain thing?                 The kings of the earth set themselves, and the rulers take counsel together, against the LORD, and against his anointed, saying,                                    Let us break their bands asunder, and cast away their cords from us.          He that sitteth in the heavens shall laugh: the LORD shall have them in derision. Then shall he speak unto them in his wrath, and vex them in his sore displeasure. Yet have I set my king upon my holy hill of Zion. (Psalm 2:1-6)

And he shall deliver their kings into thine hand, and thou shall destroy their name from under heaven: there shall no man be able to stand before thee, until thou have destroyed them. (Deut.7: 24)

One certain thing that cannot escape your attention as you go through the consistent thread of biblical scriptures is that the Maker of the Universe makes no attempt to hide his deep antipathy, contempt and violent dislike for earthly kings. Why is this so? Because they set themselves up in opposition to God’s purpose of leadership as they belittle and undervalue the people’s capacity to be inwardly motivated, innovative and enterprising. The culture implanted by earthly kings makes the people hold contemptuous, adulterated opinions about themselves. Bound by fear and insecurity, the modicum of initiative the people have does not stretch them beyond their capacity to feed and clothe themselves.

The unconscionable insensitivity of earthly kings to treat people as piece of bread was exposed when the king of Sodom tried to exchange goods for persons on the table of negotiation with Abraham. Truly they treat their people as commodities to be traded when it is convenient. Their tyranny is despicable and deeply disturbing. When King Ahab’s request to purchase a coveted piece of land was turned down by Naboth, he went into a prolonged depression. It took the king’s wife, Jezebel’s mischievous intervention concerning Ahab’s unrestricted power for the tables to be turned against Naboth. The hapless man was stoned to death on false charges.

When King David’s eyes wandered to catch the glorious naked beauty of Bathsheba, he wanted her without hesitation. The king could not be denied or refused. He got her pregnant. To cover the shame, her husband, Urriah, was sent into the heat of battle, defence withdrawn, and he was summarily killed.
Emperor Haile Selassie and queen with royal guests.

Nebuchadnezzer languished in the wilderness as a wild beast for seven years for being oppressive and arbitrary.  Diabolical plots, coups and counter-coups, intrigues, deceptions, subterfuges, propaganda, misinformation and miseducation, witchcraft practices and enchantments, murders and rapes, summary executions, there is no depth of depravity ambitious contenders would not plumb in their vicious contests for thrones. Half of it has not been told in Games of Thrones!  Stealing the hearts of the people, Absalom plotted and overthrew his father. To reclaim the throne, the son was hacked down. Adonijah, feeling entitled, moved fast and proclaimed himself king, even while weakened but alert David was still on the throne. Adonijah, first son –natural heir – did not escape the wrath of King Solomon, and it was only a matter of time before he was wasted.  To secure the throne in Solomon’s hand, antagonists, men with suspected loyalty, and pockets of opposition, overt and covert, were methodically hacked down and eliminated. It was a bloody mess all the way.

Yes, books would be written to justify or condemn the various actors on the stage of power-plays, the losers especially getting the short end of the stick. It’s not for nothing they say history has never been fair to losers in the power-games. Having to lose means, of course, they would have scanty resources to tell their stories effectively. Winners, on the other hand, has immense patronage to dispense,  enabling  writers and recorders of history to spin and magnify the rationale and result of the brutal contests  – favourably, inevitably for the winners. Indeed, philosophies and doctrines – slanted or false – would be articulated and forcefully propagated to rehabilitate and maintain the new ruling order. Governmental forces and weapons would be deployed to uphold the official propaganda. People who want to be respectable and elevated learn to quickly adjust and benefit from the status quo. Ultimately, though, it’s all a farce.

In all this, to ancient observers and discerners of world history, the distaste and hatred of the Maker of the Universe towards earthly kings was never in doubt. We cannot bring this post to a close without a special mention of King Solomon. Before we go further, let me quickly say when he was told to depart and move into a new land, meant to be inherited by Abraham’s seed , God had no mind or interest in retaining the presence of earthly kings in the promised land. Jehovah’s objective in having everyone to be kings and priests – drawing creativity, strength, intelligence and authority from heaven – in this new land is inexorable and paramount. 

That’s why he commanded Israel to destroy all the kings of the land that He delivered into their hand. And the children of Israel were never encouraged to have an earthly king until the clamour that brought Saul about. Though he was rejected, God made sure his counsel for heavenly kingship was articulated and flaunted before the people; so everyone was inexcusable.  Not Jonathan but David who replaced Saul. David wanted to build a house for God, but his request was turned down because the king’s hand was full of blood. 

King Solomon

Solomon sacrificed a thousand burnt offerings, and he personally was thoroughly empowered. Having rehearsed an unprecedented speech about how he lacked the knowledge to judge the immeasurable, priceless people of God, Jehovah was moved, impressed. It was inspirational. Asked to make a request, the king said he wanted an “understanding heart.” This is not a human, but divine prayer; and also a very dangerous prayer!  That would require Solomon to stake his existence for the empowerment of his own people, and terminate the reign of earthly kingship over Israel. Was the king willing to make himself a living sacrifice so that his people could become enriched?  If he had pursued, interrogated and pushed further, Solomon would have discovered he was being prodded to lay down his life. Jehovah said: “I have given thee a wise and an understanding heart; so that there was none like thee before thee, neither after thee shall any arise like unto thee.”  Time for Solomon to step aside; Jehovah wanted to take back His throne!  Clueless, and consumed with pleasures and majesty of office, Solomon went ahead to build a magnificent physical temple, where even the priests could not stand to minister! 

Now we know Jehovah was not interested in a physical temple, no matter how splendid or beautiful it stood. Jehovah wanted to make Solomon’s body His temple to dwell in; a place of rest! That would have required certainly the earthly king to sacrifice himself! He clearly never knew he was dealing with a Creator who had the power to resurrect the dead! 

But Solomon built him an house. Howbeit the Most High dwelleth not in temples made with hands; as saith the prophet. Heaven is my throne, and the earth is my footstool: What house will ye build me? Saith the Lord: or what is the place of my rest? Hath not my hand made all these things? Ye stiffnecked and uncircumcised in heart and ear, ye do always resist the Holy Ghost, as your fathers did, so do ye. (Act 7:47-51) 

What a stinging rebuke!

It is instructive that after Solomon, Israel’s monarchy fragmented and disintegrated, falling inexorably into a bottomless pit of anarchy, chaos and catastrophe, never to be rehabilitated.

Yes, today, you can talk about how great and wealthy you are: but to those of you who aspire to leadership greatness, how many people can you say you have made great as a result of your direct interventions in their lives? How many have you rescued from the torment of poverty? Yes, how many have you restored and empowered by presenting your body a living sacrifice ? How many can point you out as you go by: “There goes my messiah and my king!” 

Our church universal, biblically illiterate, deliberately ignorant, blinded, lacking  historical and factual context, has continued to lead the people on a never-land of fantasies where reasoned and robust arguments calling out for the true empowerment of the people are fiercely resisted. Why?  Because by dispositions and attitudes, our so-called pastors and bishops (you will be offended if you know within yourself you fall into this category!) are no different from earthly kings that should be despised and annihilated.

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