Tuesday 26 April 2016

Are You Truly, Really Ready For Leadership Greatness? (Part 2) By Felix N. Jarikre.

Erich Honecker.

Leadership greatness is not an easy road to travel. It’s a path paved with pains, afflictions, tribulations, persecutions and untold trials. This is not to make anyone despair who aspire to leadership greatness, but to warn and prepare them ahead of time. Nobody is going to be spared the examinations of what it takes to achieve leadership greatness. Your charisma is not going to cut you any slack, but your character will make you stand out. Your eloquence will not give you a free pass, but your precise erudition in speaking from the integrity of your heart will not let you down. Your beauty is great, but it is unreliable. Get all the education you can master. It is needed. 

When it comes to your promotion on the path of leadership greatness, it’s not another man that orchestrates the game, but your Maker. 

Leadership greatness is not only desirable, but is sorely needed. Though tough to achieve, it is not impossible.  

When the righteous are in authority, the people rejoice: but when the wicked beareth rule, the people mourn. (see Proverbs 29:2)

Still if we hope to master leadership greatness, we must put away our reluctance to unravel what actually transpired in Garden of Eden, incidence that remains shrouded in mystery so far. But we cannot continue to shy away even if it means having to destroy many false concepts that many hold concerning the story of Adam.

 Before we go any further, let me quickly say Jesus Christ is the one who modelled for entire humanity what it takes to achieve leadership greatness, though I’m not here to propagate any religion. Whether you call yourself a Christian, Muslim, Taoist, Jewish, Africanist Traditionalist or whatever means nothing to me. My passion in attempting to draw your attention comes from my deep-seated conviction that if you could grasp the principles in this post, you are just the man or woman your community, firm, society or nation is eagerly waiting for to provide leadership greatness.

At a certain time in ancient Israel, the elders hankered after a king that would judge, lead and fight their battles. Prophet Samuel, displeased, however prayed unto God for direction. God replied: “They have rejected me that I should not reign over them. So hearken to their voice and make them a king. Yet protest solemnly unto them, showing them what manner of the king that shall reign over them.” The earthly king appointed to replace God would oppress, afflict, enslave, disenfranchise and impoverish them. The earthly king would allocate to himself a disproportionate part of the wealth and riches of the land.  Having an undue sense of entitlement, his appetite to lustfully acquire things for his self-aggrandizement would be insatiable. And the people would keep misery for a company because of the earthly king they had chosen. They would cry out for help eventually, but the Lord God would refuse to hear them. 

If they had cancer tearing through their guts, God would turn a deaf ear to their anguished prayer; if they become anxious and hypertensive, tormented by unrelenting BP, God would turn a neglectful ear to their cry; if they are overthrown by asthma and death hovered like an easy escape route from their breathlessness, their tearful prayers would hit a stone-wall...

They would be abandoned to the fate they had adopted. Samuel’s narrative that sounded like a tale of gloom and doom made absolutely no dent in their resolve to get an earthly king. (see 1 Samuel 8:5-22)

Now wait for this: The inexorable purpose of government is for the Maker Himself – rather than an earthly king, emperor, president or governor – to exercise authority directly over His own people. Isaiah 9:6 says: “ Unto us a son is given, and the government shall be upon his shoulder. This is the path to leadership greatness. You can pretend to be ignorant that it is not so; that unfortunately will not make you to escape the repercussion of your ignorance. One thing is sure. If your concept of leadership greatness is nebulous or ignorant, you will be victimized, unable to understand what is going on around you. 

Before the fall of Communist East Germany on November 9, 1989, Erich Honecker had exhorted the people for many years to live painfully in austerity and poverty, making sacrifices to usher in an ever-elusive communist paradise. But when he was deposed, he was discovered to be a very wealthy man who owned 32 homes, living large and lavishly. Another personality that was trapped in the revulsion of hypocrisy was Romania’s Nicolae Ceausescu. He was an oppressive dictator who killed thousands of his subjects that dared to oppose his decrees. By the time he was summarily executed along with his wife on Christmas Day 1989, he was also found to be a man of obscene wealth. While his people languished in poverty and lack, he had built for himself a palace more magnificent than the one in Versailles, France whose splendour staggered the imagination. 

Nicolae Ceausescu

In Nigeria, President Muhammadu Buhari who campaigned to be elected on the mantra of change, meant to curb waste, and fast-track national development, still managed to retain 10 aircrafts in the presidential private fleet, instead of selling them off. The padded, stolen, missing, resurfaced, repackaged  2016 budget reeked of bloated corruption. The amount allocated to maintain the presidential clinic in Aso Villa is greater than what is given to all the national hospitals in the entire country. The government is paranoid and divisive. They failed promises without remorse. Nepotism is flaunting itself openly without restraint and shame in high circles. Without argument, Nigeria’s deficit is leadership greatness.

Now let’s crack the whip a little tighter. It is interesting that before Adam could be perfected, prepared for leadership greatness, he was scheduled to perish in the Garden of Eden. Yet he was also warned that he would die should he eat the forbidden tree. Of course, with that warning, the fear of death was already introduced in Eden. But if Adam would not misbehave or malfunction with authority vested on him, he had to perish and put away the earthly component that he carried. Why? The earth, to Adam, represents darkness, cluelessness, shame, weakness, delays and disappointments of the seasons and times, premature death. The earthly component of Adam could only go into extinction or paralysis if the man, despite temptation, held on tenaciously to the sacrosanct command of God, without asking questions.  Isaiah 53:7 says: “He is brought as a lamb to the slaughter, and as a sheep before her shearers is dumb, so he openeth not his mouth.”  (To Be Continued.)

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