The message of tithe caters to the FLESH while the message of salvation by faith caters to the heart and mind i.e. SOUL of mankind...(Read Hebrews 8)
The message of TITHE, catering to FLESH had a pattern.
The message of SALVATION BY FAITH catering to the SOUL of mankind has a different PATTERN.
These two patterns, old and new, cannot merge or mix. They are mutually hostile to each other. They are conflicted with each other.
Trying to merge the message of salvation by faith with the message of Tithe is like a man putting a piece of new cloth unto an old garment. The result is an eyesore. A disaster. A waste without remedy.
Trying to mix the message of soul-salvation by faith with the message of prosperity by tithe is like a man putting new wine into old bottles. The inevitable result of this hybrid powerless and fearful message is that the hearers, like the old bottles, will PERISH!!!
No man putteth a piece of new cloth unto an old garment, for that which is put in to fill it up taketh from the garment, and the rent is made worse.
Neither do men put new wine into old bottles: else the bottles break, and the wine runneth out, and the bottles perish: but they put new wine into new bottles, and both are preserved.
Matthew 9:16-17.
The attention of our pastors on the message of prosperity by tithe has made them to be BLIND and DEAF. They are far from having the knowledge of the truth. They prefer to scam and deceive, pushing a False God before their audiences to worship.
Blind as a bat, and having no conception of freedom, they saw no harm in persuading their followers to support a Sharia evangelist to become the President of Nigeria.
The chickens have come home to roost. The county is greatly troubled. They would tell you to gather for prayers, asking for God to fight for His people. Don't believe them. The God of Jesus Christ WILL NOT hear their prayers. At least, one of them is honest and transparent enough to tell us he has a Plan B. Some of them asking you to pray for God's deliverance, after deceiving you, have different Plans from C to Z. They have kept these plans close to their chest.
If God intervenes in Nigeria's situation, it shall not be because of prayers from these God-forsaken false prophets.
This is no time to play nice, but to say some hard unpleasant things. If you don't like what I say, delete my friendship. Maintaining false fellowship with wolves in sheep's clothing has wasted Christianity in Nigeria. Where people are no longer keen to separate error from truth.
Let's quit making our mess the message!
- Felix Nyerhovwo Jarikre.
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