Saturday, 9 May 2020

FAULT LINES OF SELF-ANALYSIS By Felix Nyerhovwo Jarikre.

Man does not struggle to be evil. He struggles to be good. His self-analysis can only amplify his fault lines, and leave him feeling helpless and hopeless. To overcome his sense of inadequacy, he will become manipulative and grasping as he relates to others. In  this process, his authenticity as a person becomes the first casualty.
A writer like Tim Lahaye will quarrel with my position. But of what help does it make for someone to realise  whether he is phlegmatic, extroverted or introverted? The prospect is dubious.

Most times, in desperation, as a self-defense mechanism, we invent a bogeyman to blame for our misfortunes, lack of progress, our distress and disappointments. In short, a religious industrial complex had sprang up to cater for man's predilection to look for scapegoats to carry his blames.
And there are priests on this altar of falsehood ready to minister to our willingness to abdicate responsibility for our lives, as we look for others to blame. They tell you the reason you are not progressing  in life can be traced  directly to your father-in-law's witchcraft. That he had sworn in their coven for your wife to progress and prosper faster and better than you so that she can dominate you. So every day, you glower at your wife in silent hostility and frustration.  You are trapped...
They tell you the reason you crash at the edge of success is because  of angry ancestral spirits who are concerted that nothing good should come from your lineage. They suggest the remedy is for you to take some priests to your village to do family liberation/cleansing rituals on your behalf...
They tell you the wasting disease you are wrestling with, and draining your money can be traced to familiar spirits of your father's house. That they had sworn for you to go to your grave in misery and shame...
The list goes on endlessly!

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