Saturday, 15 April 2017

Defeating The Evil Teaching Of Tithe in Present-Day Churches. (part 1) By Felix N. Jarikre

The teaching commanding the payment of tithes by Christians is patently hostile to the manifestation of the kingdom of heaven. It is aggressively neglectful of the finished works of Christ. Without equivocation, I call this tithe-teaching by our misguided pastors evil because it carries and generates disgrace. It is evil and hypocritical because it pays lip-service to soul’s salvation by grace. It has bred mental laziness in our church leaders who feel excused from proving the existence of the kingdom of heaven to earn their pay. (By the way, the Bible is clear that if a man desires the office of a bishop i.e. elder, pastor etc, he desireth a good work. So being a pastor is certainly not a sentence to penury. After all, the book of Timothy says: “Let the elders that rule well be counted worthy of double honour, especially they who labour in the word and doctrine. For the scripture saith, Thou shalt not muzzle the ox that tread out the corn. And, THE LABOURER IS WORTHY OF HIS REWARD.” To earn their pay, preachers of the gospel must labour to “heal the sick, cleanse the lepers, raise the dead, cast out devils.” In that labour, preachers prove without reproach the manifestation of the kingdom of heaven! It’s instructive that Jesus also says: “THE WORKMAN IS WORTHY OF HIS MEAT.” (see Matt.10: 1-10)
Instead of validating their labour, today’s pastors have practically disowned their responsibility to HEAL and DELIVER. If the sick perishes whom they prayed for, our pastors show no remorse or shame. There are ready-made excuses available to dismiss the pastors’ failure or lack of faith. “The sick who could not get his healing has zero faith or entangled in sins.” is a common mantra. Another one (sounds so pious and humble, but totally false) is: “Mine is to speak the Word, Jesus is the one who heals!” That trash is not supported by scriptures! No, sir, the responsibility to heal and deliver has been DELEGATED to the preachers of the gospel anywhere. (If you can’t do the work, get out of the way!) No, they won’t get out of the way because the regime of tithe is sponsored to provide a steady income to excuse their laziness while they feed fat on the gullibility of their followers. Without irony, they trumpet: “Your tithe is paid to God directly, not pastors.” OK now, yet it’s pastors’ responsibility to claim sole stewardship over the tithes without accounting for how God ate it! How moronic!
To be continued.

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