Sunday, 14 February 2016

Wealth Distribution: Compulsory Path to the Extra-ordinary Life! by Felix N. Jarikre.

I wrote a statement to conclude a recent post, which on the face of it, appeared to be outlandish, erroneous and preposterous. To be charitable, some folks might even excuse me that the statement was even included to create a maximum shock effect. Believe me when I say that's far from my intention. To refresh those who read the post, and introduce it to those who haven't, here's the statement:


Certainly I can predict that many people are going to be offended by that loaded statement. How realistic is this? How can I prove the veracity of that statement? Well, I am not a philosopher or theologian, and I cannot claim the above statement came from my independent thinking and study, divorced from the Bible. 

Going through the statement again and again, it is inescapable that the goal of every christian is not wealth acquisition, but the possession of eternal life - not when you are dead,  buried and memorialized by others - but right here on earth! But for anyone, man or woman, to lay hold on this coveted eternal life, having wealth is not an option! That's the only way you can avoid the charge of being fearful, lazy and irresponsible.

 Now I'm aware this is an area of thought that the church leadership from America to Africa, Asia to Europe etc has so far shied away from pursuing and exploring. Why this is so might be a subject matter for another day. Historically, to dwell in half-truths and speculations in the name of Christianity is not a strange story; it is common-place for any church leadership anywhere to become an instrument of error, leading many astray. After all, the Bible had been used to justify the divine rights of kings in feudal Europe. It was used to justify slavery and slave trade. It was used to justify colonialism, oppression and miseducation in Africa. But that's by the way.

So what's eternal life or eternity or timelessness? Undeniably, eternal life simply is the life not governed by the seasons and times under the heaven. (see Eccl.3:1-11) Eternal life - the life of the Creator - operates and governs from the human heart. To have this powerful, supernatural kind of life is to live without fear, guilt and shame. 

Having realized there is so much more to human existence than having riches, a certain rich young man came to Jesus with an urgent request? " Good Master, what shall I do that I may inherit eternal life?"  When he was told to sell all he had, distribute to the poor, have treasure in heaven, and follow Jesus, he was plainly grieved. We are told the man rejected what Jesus commanded and he went away sad. His trust in uncertain riches became a mammoth barrier against his desire to grasp eternal life. As far as the man was concerned, to deprive himself of his wealth so that he could bless the poor would expose his life to insecurity and destitution. Responding, Jesus gave a statement that had continued to baffle many people: " Children, how hard is it for them that trust in riches to enter into the the kingdom of God. It is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle, than for a rich man to enter into the kingdom of God." 

The disciples,  then asked this crucial dividing-line question, challenging our mentality: " Who then can be saved (from this death.)" In different words, who then can possess the eternal life i.e. kingdom of God?  Jesus now made the famous statement:   "With men, it is impossible, but not with God: for with God, all things are possible." 

It is impossible for men to make themselves poor so that other people can become enriched. It is impossible for men to expose themselves to a life of  insufficiency and poverty so they can be mobilized to provide for the needy. It is impossible for men to reject the security of their money and dispossess themselves so they could be used to restore and stop the poor from perishing in hunger and want. 

Now in 2 Cor.8:9, what men found impossible to do, with God, it became possible: " For ye know the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, that though he was rich, yet for our sakes he became poor, that ye through his poverty might be rich."  The Lord Jesus selflessly deprived and made himself poor so that you might be enriched. 

Now if the rich young man had removed his trust in uncertain riches, and deprived himself sacrificially to sustain others, here is the dismal prospect that awaited him: he would have been driven to enter temporarily the place of desolation and poverty; lack and inadequacy; pain and affliction; social dislocation and dishonour. 

No wonder he fled, grieved, in total rejection of what the Lord represented. Yet the price of entry to lay hold on eternal life was for him to distribute his wealth to enrich the poor. That's a tough affliction for him to bear. As doing that would reduce him definitely to poverty, subject to the humiliating existence of a sub-human where you have shame and misery for company.  The comparison is not valid, but at the risk of sounding blasphemous, the value of eternal life available to one person is far superior to any amount of wealth that all the Bill Gates of this world could possibly have! Indeed eternal life is priceless and immeasurable!

Let's look at another scripture (1 Tim.6:17-19) to buttress the point we raised:  Charge them that are rich in this world, that they be not highminded, nor trust in uncertain riches, but in the living God, who giveth richly all things to enjoy: that they do good, that they be rich in good works, ready to distribute, willing to communicate: laying up in store for themselves a good foundation against the time to come, that they may lay hold on eternal life.

Those that are materially rich are commanded not to be arrogant but to trust in God who gives all things abundantly to enjoy. To trust in God will make a rich person to be a distributor instead of an accumulator of wealth. Whatever you give (being rich in good works...) goes into your future to multiply; so when you need help at any time, you are never stranded. That's what it means to lay hold on eternal life: YOU ARE NEVER STRANDED OR HELPLESS! 

Still on eternal life, it is not a future event, but a life or kingdom or power that is available now on earth! The book of 1 John 5:13 says: These things have I written unto you that believe in the name of the Son of God, that ye may know that ye have eternal life...

The question is valid: if we know that we have eternal life, why are we not manifesting and demonstrating it? There are many reasons which include (1) ignorance (2) feeling embittered/violated (3) deceived by uncertain riches. (To be continued)

Felix N.Jarikre.

NOTE: This year 2016, I am resolved to interact more with fans of this blog. Since we started over seven months ago, it has been fun and sacrificial to run it. We plan to upgrade the blog in so many ways so that visitors and readers would come away with an exciting and empowering experience. Your suggestions, inputs and comments will never be despised. For counselling, prayers and other enquiries, feel free to  call +234-806-2769618 and email:, PLEASE MAKE A DONATION: ( ZENITH BANK, 2005031063, Felix N. Jarikre)  Thanks.

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