Sunday, 24 January 2016


You cannot navigate the crisis of change, despairing at the impossibility of the future, and at the same time, locked in the grip of nostalgia. I think it was John Maxwell who said: "Where there's no faith for the present, there's no power for the future." Prodded by what appears to be an unhealthy obsession to blame every of their failure, weakness or errors of judgement on the so-called missteps of the past Jonathan administration, the Buhari presidency takes the prize of taking the blame-game to another level of political brinksmanship. How do we explain  the failure to rescue the Chibok girls, as promised during electioneering, without denting Buhari's messianic commitment and magical success - according to the manual of Leadership by Blame-Game? "The last administration squandered all the money we earned when oil price was high. Money meant to buy arms to fight terrorists was looted. Please appreciate my efforts rather than looking for where to fault me (Buhari)" At every turn, this lamentable refrain with different variation is a sing-song on the lips of President Buhari. It does not matter to the president and his party that with the blame-game they play, they show unwillingness to take responsibility for the change they advocate. On a second thought, channelling this national abdication of responsibility seems to fit in with our new leaders' objective of getting the people to think they desperately need a Sainted Superman as Buhari to rescue them from the pit of despondency they had sunk into through their stupidity. Without question, there's a mental war of terror being waged to distract the people and weaken their resolve to insist on doing what is right for their lives. So permit yourself a healthy dose of optimism, and take responsibility for your life. Mahatma Ghandi is right: Be the change you seek! This new year, 2016, in order not to be swallowed up by a grand deception from powers-that be, chasing fantasies that mock your destiny, you need a robust manifesto for your change and empowerment.
 REJECT THE BLAME-GAME: By playing the blame-game, you unwittingly sabotage that plan of yours meant to be a game-changer. Change means progress, improvement and development. Dissatisfaction and adversity are precursors of change. It's Albert Einstein who said the definition of insanity is to do the same thing one way all the time, and expect a different result. It is presupposed that change as a concept has inherent power with no room for blame-game. Blame-game shows weakness, helplessness and lack of responsibility. We must recognize there are adversarial forces bent to resist our desire for change. Yet there is no doubt that we can defeat these evil forces.
RENEW YOUR MIND: The word renew means to "restore to original state and reinforce." Romans12:2 says: Be not conformed to this world, but be you transformed by the renewing of your mind that you may prove what is the good, acceptable and perfect will of God. Some of us had unwittingly embraced a culture of victimhood which must be changed by believing incredible, unimaginable things for our lives that we never before thought were possible. It is a delusion to think that one year is friendlier and more amenable to our dreams than the other. In truth, every new incoming year is cruelly and impersonally programmed to cage and tame our dreams. To liberate and empower your dreams for 2016, you must reject any conformity to the world's standards. (It's not your conformity but your transcendence that is required.) This is only possible when your mind is renewed. Taming the year 2016, and making it to cooperate with the manifestation of your dreams is a real possibility when you are transformed by your mind-renewal.
CAST AWAY FEARS: Until your mind is renewed, you'd be hampered and limited by fears. You might even have thought it perfectably normal and acceptable to feel inadequate, and recoil from some challenge, not realizing that fear is playing havoc with your mind. You are able to rationalize your discomfort in trying to take steps beyond some invisible barriers, not knowing that you fear your lack of resourcefulness. Having niggling desire to explore and exploit your talent, you have managed to adjust your expectations to align with your mental laziness. This disposition is allowed to remain because you are afraid to be criticized by people who disdain the change you should represent. Instead of engaging your talent, and bringing it to the table of negotiation as a solution-provider, to appease your fear, burying your talent seems to be an acceptable option. Still, waiting to be validated by people who are only comfortable with the status quo is taking you no where but the land of mediocrity. For how long are you going to pander to your fears, while you watch your life wasting away? Fear gets you enslaved and dominated by what you should control. The admirable persona of a hero(ine) that people everywhere wants to identify with is that he/she does not tolerate fear. Intrepid and daring, the hero(ine) tread where angels fear to go! The Almighty is certainly not going to cater or make provisions for your fears. To access His capability of rescuing you from shameful and perilous situations, you definitely cannot hoard your fears! During the reign of King Saul in ancient Israel, at a time, the country was defenseless and weapon-less under an attack. This dire situation arose because the Philistines never hesitated to search and destroy across the land any factory that manufactured swords, spears or whatever resembled an instrument of warfare. Weakened and terrified, the people went into hiding in caves and dens, unwilling to confront and engage their mortal enemies in battle. Soldiers deserted in droves. Despondency swept through the land. Casting away his fear, on what could be described as a suicide mission, Jonathan chose to expose his position in a bid to go over unto the Philistines' garrison and frontally attack them. Underscoring his action, he said: "For there is no restraint to the LORD to save by many or by few." (see 1 Samuel 14:6) Facing his enemies, and climbing up with determination on his hands and feet, followed by his armour-bearer, Jonathan pounced and slew them. Nobody knew how the turn of events came about, but according to the Bible, there was a mysterious " great trembling in the host, the field and among all the people: the garrison and the spoilers also trembled, and the earth quaked." The adversarial multitude melted away, and they went on beating down one another. You see, until you cast away fear, and come into a resolution, like Jonathan, Jehovah Tear-Wiper cannot be your defender. Truly, your fears have managed sneakily to imprison your destiny because so far you have relied on your capability which is ultimately limited in every sense.
FIGHT FOR YOUR DESTINY: Reading, studying and meditating on the ancient scriptures over the years, shorn of every religious platitudes and rationalizations, I have come to one inescapable conclusion: that your destiny as the elect of God is to control wealth and riches while you are alive here on earth! (There's no salvation in heaven: salvation is only relevant on earth!) Late 2005, I was able to write and publish a book titled, How To Be A Wealth-Controller, financially sponsored mainly by a dear friend, John Abiodun Imevbore. Instead of being commended for my bold efforts, I was condemned in some circles for having the audacity to pen such a book. What's the grouse of my frenemies? That I had no credentials to put my name as the author of a book purporting to tell how people could come into wealth ordained by the Maker of the Universe. I had no car as I had sold my first one. I was trekking and moving from one place to the other on public bus. I was struggling to pay my rent. Certainly, in the arena of physicality, there was nothing about me to suggest I was a controller of wealth. Close friends were incensed, some showed their indifference by offering neither sympathy nor support, others mocked. Openly. To make matters worse, my health, to put it mildly, was bad. I was battling against a strange affliction with the symptoms of asthma. Anytime I had to speak, whether on radio or television to promote my book, trying to articulate and project the words in my mouth was a pain. To summarise, I was miserable, struggling against depression. My self-worth was in the trash-can. To drink a full and bitter cup of self-pity everyday was a constant temptation. One day I poured my heart out to a pastor friend concerning how I was maligned and misrepresented over my book. If I expected empathy and encouragement, I was rudely disappointed. My guy told me: " Pastor Felix, you had revelation, you saw it, but have no evidence of wealth. I bought your book, but I didn't read it. Because you have no evidence." I was not pacified. "But I teach the Bible, can't you see? The Holy Spirit gave me awesome revelations concerning wealth-control. Shouldn't I document it for generations to come?" Exasperated, my pastor friend said: "Where's your Hummer Jeep? Do you have any vehicle parked out there? Where are your designer suits and shoes? Are you spending money? What's that thing you have to authenticate what you write and speak about? Get real!" In no time, enthusiasm for the book nose-dived. I was drained. Unable to promote the book well, a best-selling status remained a mere day-dream. Why do I have to tell this story? Your destiny is inexorable, powerful and tangible: but your "eye of understanding" needs to be enlightened to receive a connection. Yet there are many adversaries of your soul, powers and principalities, that want to hijack, exchange and counterfeit it to your detriment. You fight because having seen what your destiny looks like, you refuse to settle for less, discounting the personal opinions and idle speculations of others who are ignorant of where you are coming from. The temporary contradictory condition you find yourself, either by commission or omission, should not determine how you project your persona. Fight without apology or explanation from the standpoint of your inexorable destiny, and not the weakness or uncertainty of your transitory condition. Fight by your speaking; fight by your writing; fight by your meditating; fight by your re-evaluating! You fight because you are accountable and representing your Creator who made you in His glorious image!

Felix N.Jarikre

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