Friday, 3 July 2015





Let me quickly say that success in life is more important than being married! From prison, Joseph succeeded without marriage. If Joseph in the Bible was distracted by worry, insecurity or feeling of inadequacy; if he was troubled by thinking he would probably die in prison without getting married or having children. BEING UNMARRIED IS NOT A CURSE AND IN FACT IS PROVEN TO BE  WORTH MORE EMULATING THAN BEING MARRIED! When Pharaoh had the problem of a perplexing, mysterious dream, Joseph’s eye would not have been opened to see the solution if he was looking down on himself in prison!  When God made Joseph to succeed through his gift as a dreamer, he did not waste his singlehood troubled by how he could ventilate his sexual lust through any illicit affair with a woman like Potiphar’s wife, even when the latter desperately wanted to get him to violate his purity. Joseph disciplined himself instead to develop and sharpen his gift, and when his time came to bear rule, he was not found wanting! AT LAST IT WAS JOSEPH’S  SUCCESS THAT PROVOKED HIS MARRIAGE. Marriage does not necessarily make you to succeed!  If you marry because you want to succeed, that’s a demonstration of stupidity!  For many, it is even marriage that made their visions and gifts to crash.
May your gift show up for you, and not disappoint you! The Bible says a man’s gift (not his marriage) maketh a way for him.  For example, Ms Condoleezza Rice, a powerful and influential woman in global politics and was once a National Security Adviser and U.S. Secretary of State under George W. Bush remains unmarried. A CNN interviewer had asked her being an eligible woman: “How have you avoided being snared in a marital trap?”  She replied she never thought of not being married, but “You don’t get married in the abstract. You find someone that you’d like to be married to.”  Concluding, she said not being married had not made her less satisfied or happy in life as she loved being a university professor who exercised her gift, and opened new worlds to her students.
If you are not married, your success in life is your best revenge against those who are married or those who are disrespectful to you over your marital status. So for those who are single, or would remain so temporarily by circumstances, and would remain so for life, always know that your success in life is your best revenge! It takes the discovery and development of your gift for your relevance not to be questioned. Read this well: The world now is not really interested in where you came from, the colour of your skin, or the degrees of your academic attainment.  How you develop and deploy your gift to empower, and not defraud your community or society is what would make the world stand at attention before you: NOT YOUR MARITAL STATUS.  Bill Gates dropped out of university to start Microsoft. Today his personal wealth is so staggering that he can feed five African countries with ease. To the unmarried, this is not the time to wail and pity yourself! Focus rather on how to cultivate and unleash your gift to the betterment of those around you. Fire up your zeal to be an evangelist of the gospel of Jesus Christ.  Study your Bible with uncommon perseverance and enthusiasm! Show tenacity and consistency in your giving. Don’t be ashamed or afraid to stand up for your convictions. Force yourself to laugh when you should cry!
THE UNMARRIED ARE MORE BLESSED - Without controversy, following the prescription of scriptures, the unmarried are more blessed than the married!  Why? The unmarried are likely to be more generous to their friends or relations (There are exceptions to this rule, of course), but if it is true – as indeed it is – that unmarried people give more than those who are married, then it stands to reason that the unmarried are more blessed because Acts 20:35 says ‘It is more blessed to give than to receive.’ GIVING IS MORE BLESSED THAN RECEIVING!
THE UNMARRIED MANIFEST SPIRITUAL GIFTS MORE! Many married people are so burdened and consumed with their self-imposed task of trying to please their spouse that they end up neglecting to exercise their spiritual gifts and talents. They become a caricature and shadow of their true self in the name of marriage.  To the singles who are looking to get married, they should remove self-pity and despair from their dictionary. MORE NEXT WEEK ON WHY BEING UN MARRIED IS BETTER THAN BEING MARRIED!

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